By Carole Walker
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By Carole Walker
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Helping You Achieve With Simple Transformations Dragonfly-sketch-simple-transformations

Transform Your Life Today

I believe that no matter who you are, you can change any aspect of yourself or your relationship if you choose to. There is no realistic goal that we cannot achieve together. All it requires is 100% commitment on your part and to take the actions required to achieve your desired outcome. I can help motivate you toward healing any past wounds or barriers to success, teach you strategies that lead to creating things such as a healthier life, a more vibrant career, or a more fulfilling relationship. I can also help you reinvent yourself even at 180 degrees through facing your fears, challenging negative thinking patterns, healing emotional barriers, and supporting you through establishing new positive habits that best reflect the new or better version of yourself and the life you crave!

Helping You Achieve With Simple Transformations


Transform Your Life Today

I believe that no matter who you are, you can change any aspect of yourself or your relationship if you choose to. There is no realistic goal that we cannot achieve together. All it requires is 100% commitment on your part and to take the actions required to achieve your desired outcome. I can help motivate you toward healing any past wounds or barriers to success, teach you strategies that lead to creating things such as a healthier life, a more vibrant career, or a more fulfilling relationship. I can also help you reinvent yourself even at 180 degrees through facing your fears, challenging negative thinking patterns, healing emotional barriers, and supporting you through establishing new positive habits that best reflect the new or better version of yourself and the life you crave!

Who I Am Dragonfly-sketch-simple-transformations

About Carole Walker, Hon. Psych, MSW, RSW

My name is Carole Walker. I have worked and volunteered in the helping fields for more than 35 years now with various types of clients and in many capacities in the Simcoe County Area and abroad. My background includes both personal and professional life experiences in the areas of psychotherapy, life coaching, and teaching and training, as well as corporate experience in senior management. My breadth of experience has provided me with in depth understanding of life issues and challenges which is translated into a successful practice as a psychotherapist and life coach. I have effectively and positively helped thousands of individuals and couples to heal themselves, their relationships, and marriages. I’ve helped motivate individuals to achieve personal and professional success as well as helping in finding their life purpose. My private practice has evolved over the last 16 years into what it is today… “Simple Transformations”.

Start Transforming Your Life Today!


Start Transforming Your Life Today!



My Recent Posts Dragonfly-sketch-simple-transformations


15th Anniversary of My Near Death Experience – NDE

This is my 15th year anniversary of my Near Death Experience (NDE) and the first day of many writings and blogs to come. Some of you may not be aware, but 15 years ago I woke up on a relaxing Saturday morning finding myself spinning into a hemorrhagic stroke in the...
Simple Transformations New 2020 Website Screenshot-SM_web_sm

Hello and Welcome to Simple Transformations

I am excited to get to know you and help you on your journey to live a life you desire. Have a look around our brand new website. It will be informative, helpful and give you a good idea where we can begin. My blog will inspire you to live a more fulfilling life....

My Top 10 Secret Tips for Surviving the Christmas Season

How is it possible that the Christmas season is upon us once again?  It seems that time is accelerating with each passing year leaving us feeling unprepared for its arrival. This appears to be a common feeling this year. I have heard an increase of...

15th Anniversary of My Near Death Experience – NDE

This is my 15th year anniversary of my Near Death Experience (NDE) and the first day of many writings and blogs to come. Some of you may not be aware, but 15 years ago I woke up on a relaxing Saturday morning finding myself spinning into a hemorrhagic stroke in the...

Hello and Welcome to Simple Transformations

I am excited to get to know you and help you on your journey to live a life you desire. Have a look around our brand new website. It will be informative, helpful and give you a good idea where we can begin. My blog will inspire you to live a more fulfilling life....

My Top 10 Secret Tips for Surviving the Christmas Season

How is it possible that the Christmas season is upon us once again?  It seems that time is accelerating with each passing year leaving us feeling unprepared for its arrival. This appears to be a common feeling this year. I have heard an increase of...

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